6220 SW 84 ST, Abi Dubitzky, Avi Dubitzky, Crystal LaTorella, Florida, Hailey Miller, Helen Shaham, Joseph Miller, LGBT, Life Through Surrogacy, Nashaira Morales, Noah Dubitzky, Roy Miller, roy@millernt.com, YOSSEF ARYE MILLER
6220 SW 84 ST, Abi Dubitzky, Avi Dubitzky, Crystal LaTorella, Florida, Hailey Miller, Helen Shaham, Joseph Miller, LGBT, Life Through Surrogacy, Nashaira Morales, Noah Dubitzky, Roy Miller, roy@millernt.com, YOSSEF ARYE MILLER

Not coincidentally, Most of the victims which Mr. Miller falsely blames as pedophiles are gay men.

On the title page of The Roy Miller Info Center© website, we already reported that Mr. Miller is well known in Israel as a pedophile and a self-hating gay man.

Although Mr. Miller lives in Miami Beach with his young boyfriend, just like in Israel, He insists on denying his sexual tendencies and desperately claims that he is married to a woman and has several children.

As unemployed, Mr. Miller finds comfort in surfing various Israeli dating sites, especially for gays, and looking for victims to falsely accuse them of being pedophiles.

Moreover, Mr. Miller’s hatred of the LGBT community and his violence were the reason he was interrogated as a suspect in the shooting of two people at the Tel Aviv gay-youth center, in 2009.

Many people wonder what was the reason who lead Mr. Miller to this extreme hatred of the LGBT community, and how can it be possible that as a gay man, Mr. Miller tries to present any homosexual man as a pedophile and a sex offender.

Unfortunately, It seems Mr. Miller blames others for his own morbid behavior: Exclusive photographs received by The Roy Miller Info Center© proof, The Pedophile Fabricator had always been surrounded by minors and young men.

Mr. Miller (Avi Dubitzky, אבי דוביצקי) was photographed at parties while thrusting his hand into the pants of a young man who sat beside him (Pay attention to the red circle).

In another picture, Roy Miller was photographed while sitting on the crotch of another young man, who put his hand near his sex organ (Circled in red).