Life Through Surrogacy, Jeannette Ziobro, Crystal LaTorella, Nashaira Morales, אבי דוביצקי, נתפסו על חם, פדופילים בישראל, Yossi Miller
The pedophile Roy Miller holding the new baby he bought from Jeannette Ziobro
Life Through Surrogacy, Jeannette Ziobro, Crystal LaTorella, Nashaira Morales, אבי דוביצקי, נתפסו על חם, פדופילים בישראל, Yossi Miller
Surrogate Crystal LaTorella before selling the new baby born to the pedophile Roy Miller AKA Abi Dubitzky

Surrogate Crystal LaTorella sold the child she was carrying in her womb and handed him over to the pedophile Roy Miller. This poor baby is the first son of the pedophile Roy Miller (Avi Dubitzky) and his husband Yosef Aryeh Miller.

In 2022 Jeannette Ziobro from Life Through Surrogacy, Inc., sold another baby, this time a girl, to the pedophile Roy Miller and his husband. The surrogate who handed over her poor baby girl to the pedophile Roy Miller is Nashaira Morales.


Surrogacy helps many LGBT people make their parenthood dream become true. This is a very sensitive and also very expensive procedure, so sometimes the ability to fulfill the dream of parenthood depends on having enough money.

Money can buy a lot but can't buy everything. At least that's what we thought, until we found out that a surrogacy agency from Florida was selling to a pedophile two babies for money.

אבי דוביצקי, צייד הפדופילים, נתפסו על חם, יוסי מילר, Life Through Surrogacy, Roy Miller, Jeannette Ziobro, Crystal LaTorella, Nashaira Morales
Roy Miller while bragging about the baby he bought

Jeannette Ziobro is the owner of Life Through Surrogacy, Inc. The most basic thing that is expected from the manager of a surrogacy agency is to conduct background checks on her clients, to make sure those people are worthy and suitable to be parents of small babies.

Unfortunately, when the eccentric couple Roy Miller (Abi Dubitzky with his new name) and Yossi Miller has arrived at her office, Jeannette Ziobro didn't even take a break to wonder what's wrong with these two gay men, who are married to each other even though Roy Miller is 23 years older than his husband Yossi Miller.

Jeannette Ziobro must have been well paid in order to avoid any basic background check. The results of such a test would surely make her understand, that two babies born with her assistance were delivered to the hands of a fugitive Israeli criminal and pedophile, who is responsible for sexual abuse within his family.